The Way of the Wolf

Jade looked at Darryl. She wasn't sure if she should say anything. Darryl noticed her concern but nodded his okay.

"Well, Tristan is the only other one who can. Marc however can't."
"Kat" Irene called from the bottom of the stairs interupting their thoughts
"Your mother is on the phone"

Kat excused herself and headed downstairs. Jade turned to Darryl.
"I am concerned about the hunters. Our land is private property and so is Tristan and Marc's. I don't like it"
"Neither do I" Darryl looked thoughtful

Jade felt Darryl's mind link brush past her softly as her sent a searching thought out accross the land. She got her own link and intertwined it with his so they could reach futher. They found several traps in both their land and Tristans land. They reached futher to get Tristan. He was reading and fortunatly alone.

'Their are traps' Darryl said wasting no time
'Darryl? Jade' he asked
'Yes, it is I/We'
'Traps? That isn't good. Do the animals know'
'Yes, one was caught and he will spread the word. The whole forest will know by tonight'
'That's good, you have more news though don't you?'
'Kat is like us. However her familar is Panthar. However don't reveal all just yet, we don't know the full extent of her capabilities, let alone if she is even as strong as us'

Tristan nodded and then was alone once again. He put his book aside. He wasn't happy about the hunters being gutsy enough to trespass on the land. He decided to let his family know.

He found them in the lounge room. His mother sewing a dress for Jade. He smiled. Jade could sew fantastic clothes but always let his mother make her dresses. Nicole always took pride in Jade's clothes since she had no daughters of her own and as she was always hinting to Tristan 'wouldn't mind having Jade as a daughter in-law'. His mother looked up and smiled as if she read his thoughts.

"Jade said she wanted a dress for the towns formal dinner. Are you going to ask her out?"
"I might" He replied. He paused and then spoke again.
"Their are hunters again"
Marc dropped the cards he was holding and his father swore.
"On our land dear? or both lands" Sarah asked putting aside her sewing
"Both. They have already found a wolf trapped today."
His father was upset he could see that. His father loved the forest and the animals. It was the reason why they lived there.
"The electric fences will go back on again. That should stop them trying to enter"
"Anyway Marc and I are going to Sarah's party and crashing at the Ross's"
Their father nodded but was already pre-occupied about the hunters

Tristan left the room and Marc followed. They went to the den and Tristan told Marc all he knew. The sent a message to the nearest animal warning them that the electric fences were going to be on again. The news in the forest always spreading quickly so they knew that all the animals would be aware by the end of the night. They went upstairs and grabbed their costumes and headed over to Jade and Darryl's.


Jade cuddled up on the bed holding T'Wolf. A Timber Wolf teddy bear that Darryl had given her for her birthday. Darryl held her in his arms soothing her. Kat returned looking at them wishing she hadn't grown up alone.

"How's your mum?" Darryl asked
"They are taking her to the hospital in Chicargo." Kat smiled and changed the subject
"So who's party are we going to tonight?"
"Sarah's. It's her 21st. It's a costume party."
"I didn't bring any costumes with me"
"Borrow one of Jade's she has plenty" Darryl laughed teasing his sister once again.

Jade just poked her tounge out and lead Kat to the walk in robe.

"Where does that door go to?" Kat asked pointing to the other door at the other end of the room.
"Darryl's room" She replied busy searching through the clothes
"ah... Here they are"

Kat turned and saw stacks of costumes. She fingered through the lot and decided to grab the witch costume. Jade smiled and grabbed a faery costume. Darryl chose to go as an elf. The all went to their rooms to changed and agreed to meet in the den.

As Jade got their she noticed Tristan and Marc had already arrived. Kat walked in and smiled as she saw that Marc was a wizard. Tristan picked up Jade and spun her around. Darryl walked in and laughed at Tristan and Jade.

"Always knew you could fly Jade"

They all laughed and Tristan let Jade down slowly. She looked at his face realising he looked rather handsome. They were interupted by the cat meowing.

"Midnight, there you are." Jade said scooping the cat up into her arms. She took Midnight to the kitchen grabbing the car keys on the way back.

"I'm driving"

Tristan grabbed Jade's wings that had been carefully folded up so she wouldn't ruin them on the way to the party and they all trouped outside into the car. Kat, Marc and Darryl got in the back and Tristan in the front. Irene walked outside holding two presents.

"Oops. I knew I forgot something" Jade laughed and grabbed the presents handing them to Darryl in the back. They all waved as they drove down the long driveway. Jade took the backroad which was the quicker way to go and was soon driving at an exhilarting speed tapping her fingers on the wheel in time with the music. Tristan looked out the window transfixed talking to Darryl while Marc and Kat talked. Darryl watched his sister carefully as she drove but relaxed when she looked in the mirror and smiled.

It wasn't long before they reached Sarah's house. They parked at the side of the house. Darryl helped Jade put her wings on and they headed out to the back yard where the party was. Mark and Mel where the first to notice their arrival and waved them over. Everyone went to the table while Darryl dropped the presents of inside.

"He makes a cute elf" said Mel giggling
"Oi!" Mark said feigning hurt
"After you of course" Mel hugged him. She turned to Kat
"Hi, I'm Mel, and this is Mark"
"I'm Kat"
"And I am Sarah" Sarah said having snuck up on them. Jade stood up and hugged Sarah
"Glad you could all make it"
"No problems. We were running late but Jade drove" Marc teased
Everyone laughed.
"I'm not that bad" Jade pouted
"Yeah you are" Tristan said and recieved a light punch in return.
"The food is ready" Sarah said laughing
"Good, I'm famished. We didn't have lunch in the end" Darryl said
"Hmm, that's right" Kat said

Jade looked at them, and shook her head.
"Yes we did! Geeze, you two must have bottomless stomachs..."
It took Darryl and Kat a few minutes to recall that they had eaten.
The assembled group laughed, then Tristan asked Jade to dance, and they moved happily away from the group. Mark and Mel also moved away, and Sarah went to socialise with her other guests. Darryl and Kat went to the food table, and got something to eat. Marc watched as the group deserted him, then shrugged and walked over to some people he'd gone to school with.

After eating, Darryl and Kat sat on a bench away from the other guests, and talked quietly.
"How is Dad?"
"He's Ok. Pretty upset about Mum though."
"That must be tough."
"It is."
Darryl caught the tone, and changed the subject.
"How long have you been able to shift?"
Kat shrugged. "I don't know, exactly... just before I turned 13 I think it was..."
"What happened?"
Kat smiled. "I was out with Dad, lost my temper, and found myself on all fours."
Darryl laughed. "Lucky it was Dad and not someone else."
"Yes... You should have seen the expression on his face though."
"I can imagine."
They smiled at each other in the darkness.
"Anyway. Dad taught me after that. He taught me to shift wolf, even though it was harder. He taught me to control it, and so much other stuff..." Kat trailed off.
"You were lucky to have him to teach you."
"I know. You self-taught?"
"Yes. Jade and I. Tristan moved here a couple of months ago."
"Oh? I got the impression he'd been around longer than that..."
Darryl thought for a few minutes. "Actually, it's almost a year now... Time flies."
"Yes, I'd noticed that."
There was another pause.
"Are there any where you live?"
"You mean aside from Dad and me?"
"Yes... There's a boy who lives up the mountains, and a girl in one of the villages. We're not actually as rare and people would have you believe..."
"But still rare enough to be branded monsters."
"Would you like to dance?"

Jade noticed Kat and Darryl move onto the "dance floor" from a secluded bench, and wondered what they had been doing. She tried to find Darryl's mind with her own, but he had shut her out. Feeling a little mad, she closed off her mind as well. Tristan gave her a curious look, but decided it was better not to comment, and instead swirled her away in the direction of a different secluded bench.

"You have a mind shield," commented Darryl as he danced with his half-sister.
"I know. It used to annoy Dad something shocking because he couldn't just *plant* an idea in my mind unless I let him."
Darryl smiled.
"Do you usually have traps in the woods?" asked Kat.
Darryl shook his head. "No. It's not the first time they've tried though."
"Isn't it private land?"
"Part of it is. Part of it is still state property though, and we don't actually have fences up."
"That's a bit stupid."
Darryl shrugged. "It means the animals can still move in and out."
"Do you really think a few strands of wire would keep anything out that wanted to be in?"
"Tristan's family have fences, and there's traps on their property too."
"Well at least they can do something about it."
Darryl looked down at Kat curiously.
"Why do you hate traps so much?"
"I've linked with animals that have been caught in them. They're terrible things, and should be destroyed."
"Well there's people in this town that don't like the wolves."
"Of course there is. There always is, and there always will be. That doesn't mean that they're right."
"I know."
Kat sighed. "Sorry."
Darryl hugged her. "It's Ok. I know how you feel. But there's not a lot we can do about it, unless we actually catch them."
"Then why don't we catch them?"
"They're not going to come in the middle of the day."
"Who said anything about the middle of the day?"
"You mean now?"
"It's when they'd be most likely to strike, isn't it?"
"Good point. But what about the party?"
"I suddenly feel very ill. I think you should take me home."
Darryl laughed.
"Ok, let me tell Jade where we're going."
Darryl's eyes became distant, then he suddenly blushed furiously and stared in the general direction of some bushes, before studiously looking in the other direction. Kat raised her eyebrows. Darryl cleared his throat.
"Uh... Jade's shut me out for a bit... But um... Tristan hasn't, and um... I think they're a bit... um... busy... So let's just leave."
Kat's eyebrows raised even further.
"That was fast," she commented, but allowed Darryl to drag her away from the dance floor anyway.
They made their excuses to Sarah, and left the party.

Off the side of the main road, a black panther and a wolf ran swiftly towards the woods.
I can feel you now, commented Darryl to Kat's mind.
I know. I let you in... You're... I don't know how else to explain it, you're included in my shield.
Wouldn't it be easier to drop the shield?

The panther smiled, revealing sharp white teeth in a predatory grin.
Not at all. The shield is natural, to drop it requires constant effort. Much easier just to include you.
The two animals slipped under a low fence and headed south.
I see.
Will Jade know where we've gone?
No. Once she and Tristan stop distracting each other she'll search for me, and I'll probably catch hell when she can't find me.
You were blocking her before.
I know. That's why she was blocking me. Jade doesn't remember Dad at all... It hurts her when I remember him fondly, because all she's ever known of him was he was the bastard who left Mum when she was pregnant - the ultimate sin amongst wolves. So when I'm thinking about Dad, I block her out... Stops her getting hurt.
It must be nice to have family.
You have family too.
I have Mum and Dad. No brothers and sisters, and only 2 cousins - who I never see. It's very different.
You have Jade and me now.
Thanks Darryl.
The wolf wriggled through two planks of wood to enter the forest, and the panther leapt up over the top.
Where's the most likely place?
East. Let's go.

The panther leapt up into the nearest tree, and climbed up. The wolf ran along the forest path, and the panther followed in the trees.

Jade and Tristan emerged from the bushes 2 hours after Darryl and Kat had left. The second they appeared, Marc stalked up to them.
"There you are, I've been looking all over for you."
Jade and Tristan both caught the tone and slight sense of worry immediately.
"What's happened?" asked Jade.
"Darryl left with Kat a little over 2 hours ago. I followed them out, but when I got to the front door they were gone. They're still not back. I don't know where they went, or what's going on. I even tried that "searching for the mind" trick you taught me, Tristan, and I can't find him."
Jade shot Tristan an annoyed look.
You let him into our circle without telling us?
No, hush. Just taught him the locating trick.

"Which direction did they go?" Tristan asked aloud.
Marc pointed towards the woods.
"Let's go."

Jade let Tristan drive as she spent most the time trying to reach Darryl's mind. She got most upset after several futile attempts to find it. On an impulse Jade delved into her deepest powers and after much searching found not only Darryl's mind but Kat's also. Kat had a natural mind shield, which was strong, but as Jade tested it she was surprised her powers far surpassed that of Kat's. Jade was also aware that Kat couldn't sense her, but if she wanted to get Kat's attention she would hurt Kat. She discovered the same for Darryl and the idea of forcing her way in didn't exactly please her. Jade sighed and looked out the window instead.

"Something wrong?" Marc asked tentatively

Jade didn't hear him though. She was deep in thought. Marc asked again this time with telepathy. Jade slammed up her personal shields in protection and then turned to apologise to Marc

"Sorry, forgot you could do that"
"That's okay"

Marc went to ask his question again but they had arrived home and Jade jumped out of the car. They all went inside. There was a note from Irene saying she had gone out and wouldn't be back till the next evening. Jade sighed and scrunched the note up.

Where are you Darryl she sent out but no reply came back. He hardly ever blocked her out and never for this long. It was late and Marc had already settled into a sleeping bag in the Den.

Jade got changed into warmer clothes and started heading outside. Tristan grabbed his jacket and followed her.

He still likes you he said when he caught up with her
Marc offcourse
Be serious
Jade changed form into a wolf and Tristan followed suit
I am, he never really got over you
I never went out with him
She replied angrily and barred her teeth. Tristan got the hint and dropped the subject


Meanwhile Kat and Darryl had no luck and had decided to head home.

You love her very much don't you? Kat askes unexpectedly
Yes, she is... was the only sister I had
Kat nods
She's also my best friend. Why do you ask?
Just the way you protect her, I don't know

They stopped talking and soon were near the cottage again. They changed forms and went inside. Darryl did a mental sweep and was suprised to find that Marc was the only one in the house. He found a bit of paper scrunched up and read it. That at least explained his mother's disappearance. He went to the den and found Marc reading.

"Ah, your back"
"Yeah, where are Jade and Tristan?"
"They went outside looking for you. Didn't you see them?" Marc said leeringly not being entirely fond of Darryl.

It was Darryl's fault that Jade never went out with Marc. Darryl felt more then heard Marc's contempt. He sighed wishing Marc would listen to the whole story but understood that Marc had to much hatred to deal with first.

"No, we must of missed her" He turned to leave to go find her but Kat grabbed his arm
"There is no point in going outside. We probably wont find her. We may as well just wait til she gets back"
"I guess your right" Darryl replied and sat down reluctantly


Jade and Tristan had found a few of the steel traps and had gathered them in one of the clearings. They changed into human form and using sticks snapped them shut. After they had done that Jade held Tristan's hand. He opened his mind and channelled his energy into Jade. Jade using Tristan's energy focused on the traps and one by one sealed them closed by melting the steel together.


Off in the distance some of the hunters had heard the traps slam shut. The leader listened and then directed them towards the clearing where Jade and Tristan were. As they passed a private property sign one of the men went to rip it off the fence. As soon as he made contact however he felt the electrical current run through him. One of the hunters went to save him but was held back. The leader watched as one of his good men foamed at the mouth and silently screamed for help. Not wanting to watch any more, he barked the order to keep moving. Some of his men hesitated but soon followed not wanting to appear the coward.


Jade and Tristan were back in the wolf form and went to find more traps. They had been finding traps most of the night as Jade wasn't really ready to confront her brother. She wasn't happy and him shutting her out for no apparent reason and she really wasn't happy about all the traps that had been layed out.
They hadn't even made it two steps out the clearing when the main pack of wolves that resided in the forest came into the clearing.

Greetings sister mind the leader said then greeted Tristan
You have been kind to destroy the metal teeth.
I do not like the traps either, they have already hurt
I know. You were kind to set him free. Who is the human that speaks our language though?
That is my sister
Ahh. You brother was here earlier with a Panther.
That would be her again. She is one of my fathers cubs and like us

The wolf nodded

Little sister mind tell me why she has such a clouded presence?

Before Jade or Tristan could answer a twig snapping put all the wolves on alert. Jade sniffed the air to discover several humans closing around them. She turned and could see several other wolves sensed the same thing. A few of the wolves had already snuck away in order to protect the older wolf. Jade noticed that Tristan was one of them. It wasn't long before a scream was heard and Jade smiled knowing one of the humans had been bitten and she wondered whom by. Tristan returned with cloth in his mouth. They listened and sniffed but could find none of the hunters.

The leading hunter however was clever and was standing downwind. During the entire ruckus he had snuck closer. He saw the wolves return to the original pack size and grinned evilly. The old wolf in the centre was obviously the leader and had a fine coat. He cocked his rifle and went to take aim. One of the wolves still had their ears up but the hunter was getting greedy and didn't notice. Satisfied that he could take out more than one wolf if he was quick he fired the gun.

Jade having heard a rifle being cocked knew something was going on. When she heard the gunfire however she dove over the Alpha male in hopes to protect him. He was old but still had to pass on much knowledge and was valued among the group. A few of the wolves had scattered. No one was hurt but the gun fired again and this time it got her shoulder. She yelped out in pain. As she fell to the ground stumbling trying to get her balance another cry let out. This time human.

The hunter having been bitten by one of the wolves dropped his gun. He went to leave but found he surrounded. He finally got away but only after several bites had been given to him. He did not notice his wallet fall out his pocket but one of the wolves did and brought it back to the pack.

Tristan was by Jade when all the wolves returned. The wolf with the wallet dropped it infront of him and it fell open. Tristan noticed the drivers licence and looked at the name. It belonged to Mike Robinson, a well-respected member of the community. He snarled in anger but stopped when he heard Jade groan.

The other wolves gathered around in a circle and started to howl. One by one the all the wolves joined in and the howl filled the night.


Darryl sat up startled by the howl. He looked and both Kat and Marc had noticed.
"That's no ordinary howl" Marc noted
"No, that's a howl of sorrow" Kat commented "In fact it's a calling I have never heard before"
"I would be surprised if you had" Darryl said "That is the wolves howl for my family."
"Like a secret language?"
"I guess" Darryl listens and then turns pale

"What's wrong"
"Jade. She's been hurt in Wolf form"
"She can't change back can she?" Marc asks
"Why not?" Kat asks
"Because the bodies are too different. If she changes back her wounds will be worse and permanent. If she stays wolf she will have a chance of being healed. I knew I should have gone and looked for her"

Darryl had left leaving Marc and Kat behind. Kat burst into tears and Marc started to comfort her.
"It's my fault" Kat cried "I told Darryl he should stay here"

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